
About Tushita Publications

Tushita Publications are a series of nine books written by Buddhist author and monk Geshe Acharya Thubten Loden.

They were printed between 1993 and 2009, and encompass a wide range of subjects from introductory lam.rim teachings up to the breadth and depth of the highest yoga tantra.

Their order of publication is as follows:

  • Path to Enlightenment in Tibetan Buddhism (1993)
  • Fundamental Potential (1996)
  • Meditations on the Path to Enlightenment (1996)
  • Essence of the Path to Enlightenment (1997)
  • Ocean of Indivisible Method and Wisdom (1999)
  • Path to the Union of Clear Light and Illusory Body (2002)
  • Great Treasure of the Six Yogas of Naropa (2005)
  • Prayers for the Path (2006)
  • Great Treasury of Mahamudra (2009)

About Geshe Loden

1924: Childhood in Tibet

Thubten Loden was born “Lodro Denpa”, the Tibetan name for Unchangeable Wisdom.

The child was full of natural compassion: he was generous to the destitute, and would upset his mother by giving away so much. He was likewise moved to tears seeing the torment or killing of animals.

At age seven, he saved the life of a yak who was to be slaughtered by a butcher. He begged and pleaded for the life of this yak. The butcher was so affected that he gave up his trade on the spot and never killed again.

A religious life

As Lodro Denpa grew it became clear that he was inclined for a religious life.

In 1931, at age seven, he entered Drombu Thubten Dargyaling, and enthusiastically recited and memorised important prayers and sadhanas.

He was ordained as a novice monk and given the ordination name Thubten Loden.

Thubten Loden was inspired to become a Geshe by the holy lama, Jampel Drimay, who often spoke about the importance of intensive Geshe study and debate programs.

His Studies

From 1931, Thubten Loden studied Logic and the Perfection of Wisdom subjects, as well as the the “Graded Path to Enlightenment” and “Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds” at Sershu Monastery.

In 1941, he continued his studies at the Sera Monastic University. For the next ten years he studied commentaries by great masters (mahasiddhas) of the past. 

On completion of these studies at age 27, Thubten Loden received full ordination of a monk from holy lama Jamgon Rinpoche.

He continued his studies under His Holiness Trijang Dorje Chang, the Junior Tutor to His Holiness 14th Dalai Lama.

Thubten Loden spent a further six years on the Middle Way philosophy, six on the Vinaya sutras, and four on Abhidharma.

From Tibet to India

In 1959, the invasion of Tibet by communist Chinese armies shattered the monastic existence and Thubten Loden decided to escape to India to continue his practice and studies. 

It was a gruelling and dangerous journey, walking by night and hiding by day, through southern Tibet into the eastern part of India. Despite the danger and need for haste, he refused to compromise his daily practices and commitments.

His Holiness 14th Dalai Lama instructed the most advanced students to form a special class to study and debate together – showing that Geshes could and would still be trained for the preservation and spread of the precious Dharma. Thubten Loden continued his studies as a member of this class for seven years from 1960.

In 1968, the Dalai Lama said that Tibetan qualifications could only be recognised outside of Tibet by way of lamas obtaining the respected Indian Acharya degree. In 1970, Thubten Loden graduated from the Sanskrit University and was awarded his Acharya Degree with Honours.

He was then summoned by His Holiness to be examined for their Geshe degrees. In short, he was awarded equal first place in the class, and his Geshe Lharampa degree, forwarded in 1975.

Coming to Australia

In 1976, Lama Thubten Yeshe, the spiritual leader of a new Buddhist meditation centre in Australia, requested Geshe-la to accept a teaching position there. He taught for three years at Chenrezig Institute. 

Geshe Loden then set up his own centre, the Tibetan Buddhist Society, in 1980. Four TBS centres were established in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, and Perth.

Publishing the books

In 1991, Geshe Loden decided it was time to record the main teachings that he had given in Australia by publishing books.

Geshe-la felt it was important that his knowledge be preserved for after he had passed away, and decided to make books in English rather than Tibetan because it was an “international” language and for the growth in Tibetan Buddhism in the West.

These texts were printed between 1993 and 2009.

Geshe Loden's passing

Geshe Acharya Thubten Loden passed away in August 2011, aged 88. He left a legacy of dharma centres, many students whom he set on the path to good fortune, and these wonderful Tushita Publications.

Contact Us

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Address: 20 Cookes Road, Yuroke, VIC 3063

Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00AM – 5:00PM

Phone: +61  03 9333-1770

Email: contact@tushita.org