
Tushita Publications

Home of Geshe Loden's precious texts

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Tushita Publications offers a course of introductory books suitable for beginners.


Path to Enlightenment

The Path to Enlightenment series is suitable for beginners and advanced practitioners.



Our Highest Yoga Tantra collection is suitable for those with the required initiations.


Explore the Collection

Great Treasury of Mahamudra

Mahamudra is a Sanskrit word which translates to the great seal of enlightenment. It is the mind of great bliss and emptiness!

The Fundamental Potential for Enlightenment

All beings, humans and non-humans, have the fundamental potential to reach enlightenment. That's us!

Great Treasure of the Six Yogas of Naropa

Naropa was a great yogi of the past. This book outlines his practices to reach the state of non-dual great bliss and emptiness.

Path to the Union of Clear Light and Illusory Body

This extraordinary book is for practitioners of Vajrayogini. It is only available for those with suitable initiation.

Essence of the Path to Enlightenment

This book captures the essence of Lama Je Tsong Khapa's teachings. It is the condensed version of Path to Enlightenment.

Path to Enlightenment in Tibetan Buddhism

Enlightenment is the resultant mind of compassion and wisdom. This book is like the encyclopaedia of Tibetan Buddhism!

Ocean of Indivisible Method and Wisdom

This book outlines the practice of Vajrabhairava. It is only available for practitioners with suitable initiation.

Meditations on the Path to Enlightenment

In the Path to Enlightenment series, this book highlights the important meditations that will benefit your own mind and bring happiness to other sentient beings. Wonderful!

Prayers for the Path of Indivisible Great Bliss and Emptiness

This text contains the myriad prayers and sadhanas compiled by Geshe Acharya Thubten Loden.


Gift Sets

Path to Enlightenment

The Path to Enlightenment series makes a great gift for those interested in the "lam.rim" as taught by Lama Je Tsongkhapa.


Just starting out? These introductory texts will provide you with a great foundation into the fundamental teachings of Tibetan Buddhism.

Highest Yoga Tantra

If you have the necessary initiations from a suitable Vajra Acharya, our Highest Yoga Tantra collection provides wonderful depth about the practice.

Prayers & Meditations

To help your own mind, or that of a loved one, the Prayers and Meditations set will complement your dharma practice nicely.

About the Author

Geshe Acharya Thubten Loden is the founder of the Tibetan Buddhist Society and was its spiritual leader. He passed away in August 2011.

A marvellous scholar Geshe-la reached beyond his conventional arena and clearly understood national and international issues and the needs of the world, often using current events as examples in his dharma teachings and books.

His skilful means emphasised the importance of taking the five precepts, understanding of the four noble truths, eight worldly dharmas, how to develop Bodhichitta and the Bodhichitta vows. These sacred subjects and more are found in all his books, his timeless legacies to all students, past, present and future.